The Pyramids of South Dahshur
South Mazghuna
North Mazghuna
South Dahshur A
South Dahshur B

South Dahshur



The pyramids of Mazghuna
The pyramids of Mazghuna
The pyramids of Mazghuna
Click on areas of interest to view details.
The pyramids of Mazghuna

The Pyramids of South Dahshur are all from end of 12th dynasty or the first intermediate period. All are also very difficult reach. I was only able to visit the site of Mazghuna, albeit just briefly and at a distance. It is believed by some Egyptologist that the Mazghuna pyramids can be attributed to Amememhet IV and Sobekneferu, the successors of Amememhet III. Although neither of these names have been found d at the sites. The South Mazghuna pyramid is about 4.8 km south of Sneferu's Bent Pyramid. None of the pyramids appear to have been completed.